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[发布时间]:2014年5月7日 [来源]:元器件交易网 [点击率]:4451
【导读】: 5月6日消息,据外媒报道,最新一轮三星苹果专利案陪审团主席在周一称,在等待长达一个月的判决结论时,消费者明显是最大的输家。“最终,消费者在所有案件涉及方中是失败者,”此案件陪审团主席、前IBM高管...

Samsung countered Monday, as lead attorney John Quinn took a verbal shot at jurors:

Of course we're pleased that the jury awarded Apple six percent of what they were asking for. But even that can’t stand, because Apple kept out all the real world evidence and didn’t produce anything to substitute for it, so you have a verdict that's unsupported by evidence—and that's just one of its problems. In post-trial motions and on appeal, we will ask the judge and the federal circuit to cut the six percent verdict to zero, which is where it should end.

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