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[发布时间]:2014年5月7日 [来源]:元器件交易网 [点击率]:4518
【导读】: 5月6日消息,据外媒报道,最新一轮三星苹果专利案陪审团主席在周一称,在等待长达一个月的判决结论时,消费者明显是最大的输家。“最终,消费者在所有案件涉及方中是失败者,”此案件陪审团主席、前IBM高管...


“最终,消费者在所有案件涉及方中是失败者,”此案件陪审团主席、前IBM高管托马斯·邓汉(Thomas Dunham)告诉一家名为San Jose Mercury News的媒体称。“我很乐意看到他们找到解决的方法,我希望这个判决结果未来在一定程度上会有所帮助。”




三星代理律师约翰·奎恩(John Quinn)在周一炮轰陪审团成员称:

当然我们很高兴法院只判苹果活泼它们所要求的6%。不过即使这样仍无法忍受,因为苹果隐藏了所有真实的证据,因此你们的判决毫无根据——并且这仅仅是问题之一。我们将上诉,要求将这6%的赔偿变成零,这才应该是最终结果。(元器件交易网刘光明 译)


Apple v. Samsung jury foreman says the “consumer is the loser”

For its part, Samsung claims the jury verdict is "unsupported by evidence."

The jury foreman in the latest round of the Apple v. Samsung patent showdown said Monday that the "consumer" was clearly the biggest loser following the conclusion of the month-long trial.

"Ultimately, the consumer is the loser in all this," foreman Thomas Dunham, a retired IBM supervisor, told the San Jose Mercury News. "I'd like to see them find a way to settle. I hope this (verdict) in some way helps shape that future."

The trial rapped on Monday, but the bulk of it was largely decided Friday. The jury awarded Apple $120 million, a fraction of the $2.2 billion it was seeking from Samsung for infringing the Cupertino-based company's iPhone technology, including its slide-to-unlock tech. Samsung, sought $38 million, and it was awarded about $160,000 after Apple was found infringing two of Samsung's patents.

"We didn't feel either one was fair and just compensation," Dunham said.

In 2012, a different San Jose federal jury decided that Samsung should pay Apple roughly $1 billion for copying iPhone and iPad technology. Jurors in the latest case said they were unaware of that earlier verdict.

In light of the recent decisions, Apple said the verdict proved that "Samsung willfully stole our ideas and copied our products."

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