【导读】: 该自动机以目前最先进的数字精密逆变点焊机为核心,热量输出稳定,动态响应快。配以专用精密数显焊接机头,全自动辅助系统,操作界面直观、简捷,控制精确。适用于铜箔与漆包线(电磁线)之间的高质量、高效率焊...
该自动机以目前最先进的数字精密逆变点焊机为核心,热量输出稳定,动态响应快。配以专用精密数显焊接机头,全自动辅助系统,操作界面直观、简捷,控制精确。适用于铜箔与漆包线(电磁线)之间的高质量、高效率焊接,漆包线不用事先脱漆、不用焊锡、安全环保、无污染、可自动包胶布、自动送料、切料,各送料长度、焊点位置可通过人机自由设置。焊接效率约3秒每片,可全天24小时不间断工作。焊点细小牢靠、导电性好、无讯号衰减,在经受高温和低温时不会脱落。该焊接系统在电子变压器、通讯变压器、电动工具等行业得到广泛应用。由该工艺生产的变压器具有环保、可靠、电气性能优良、产品一致性好、成本低等特点,多家世界500强企业在大批量使用,为他们创造源源不断的财富,倍受用户欢迎。适用范围:铜箔厚度为0.025-0.5MM,漆包线线径为0.01-2.0MM Thin copper strip Transformer automatic spot welding machine Automatic spot welding machine to the most advanced digital precision inverter spot welder at the core, heat output stability, fast dynamic response. With a dedicated digital precision welding head, an intuitive man-machine interface operation, simple and precise control. Applied to copper foil and the wire between the high-quality, high efficiency welding, paint stripping enameled wire do not, do not solder, security, environmental protection, pollution-free, insulated plastic sheets can be automatically package, automatic feeding, cut materials, a variety of length and location of solder joint touch screen can be set free. Welding efficiency of about 3 seconds / PCS, welding can be 24 hours a day. Small solid solder joint, electrical conductivity, and no signal attenuation, when subjected to high temperature and low temperature will not fall off. The welding system of electronic transformers, communication transformers, power tools, etc. are widely used. By the transformer production process are eco-friendly, reliable and excellent electrical performance, product consistency, and low cost, the world's top 500 enterprises use large quantities. Scope of application: copper foil thickness of 0.025-0.5MM, wire diameter for the 0.01-2.0MM