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[发布时间]:2009年9月7日 [发布企业]:鑫源精密电子焊接... [点击率]:2005
【导读】: 适用范围:各种电子引脚之间精密焊接、电子引脚(如LED)与软导线精密焊接、杜美丝、CP线、软导线与软导线之间高质量焊接、各种线材与元件精密焊接优点:安全环保、使用成本低、焊接质量高、是潜代锡铅焊的...
适用范围:各种电子引脚之间精密焊接、电子引脚(如LED)与软导线精密焊接、杜美丝、CP线、软导线与软导线之间高质量焊接、各种线材与元件精密焊接优点:安全环保、使用成本低、焊接质量高、是潜代锡铅焊的最佳选择。该系统由高性能的逆变高精密焊接电源、配以精巧的焊接装置组成,不用加任何焊料就可实现单股或多股铜线与铜排或各类端子之间、漆包线与多股线的高质量焊接。无需去镀层、无需事先脱漆就可直接焊接。该工艺是两种金属之间直接熔接,焊点美观牢固,没有锡焊引起的脆裂、氧化、虚焊、假焊。不用焊锡、电烙铁、助焊剂、松香等,杜绝烟尘,既环保又节省了辅料费用,体积小、重量轻、能效高,是配置流水线的最好选择。适用范围广,配有多种接口模式,能实现机器人或自动化焊接。可与电脑连接实时记录每次焊接参数,便于焊接质量追溯。 Electronic components pin line spot welder Scope of application: between the various electronic pin precision welding, electronic pin with soft precision welding wire, soft wire and soft wire welding between the high-quality, all kinds of welding wire and precision components Advantages: the security environment, the use of low-cost, high quality welding is the potential generation of tin-lead solder best choice. The system consists of high-performance high-precision welding inverter power source, the welding device with precision components, solder can be no single unit or multi-copper and copper stocks or between various types of terminals, wire and Multi-Unit line of high-quality welding. Coatings do not need to go, do not need to paint stripping can be welded directly. The process is directly between the two types of metal welding, a solid solder joint appearance, there is no brittle fracture caused by tin solder, oxidation, solder false. Do not solder, soldering iron, flux, rosin, etc., to eliminate dust, an environmentally-friendly and cost savings of materials, small size, light weight, high energy efficiency is the best production line configuration options. Applicable to a wide range of multi-machine interface with the model, to achieve the robot or automated welding. And computer to connect, recording each welding parameters for welding quality retrospective.
公 司: 鑫源精密电子焊接设备有限公司 [查看]
地 区: 广东省
邮 编: 523411
电 话: 0769-23117296
传 真: 0769-22203929
E-mail: precise_weld@163.com
网 址: www.jy-weld.com