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HTC 6月份即将发布HTC One mini 2
[发布时间]:2014年5月20日 [来源]:元器件交易网 [点击率]:1813
【导读】: 5月19日消息,据外媒报道,HTC推出HTC One系列中新机型HTC One mini 2,该机型配备4.5英寸高清显示屏,1300万像素的后置摄像头和500万像素前置摄像头。HTC One m...

  5月19日消息,据外媒报道,HTC推出HTC One系列中新机型HTC One mini 2,该机型配备4.5英寸高清显示屏,1300万像素的后置摄像头和500万像素前置摄像头。

HTC One mini 2采用高通骁龙400处理器,而HTC One(M8)作为最新旗舰机型采用高通骁龙801处理器。

HTC One mini 2将保持旗舰机型的主要功能,诸如HTC Sense 6界面,HTC BlinkFeed主页和BoomSound立体声。 HTC One mini 2 6月份将在EMEA和亚太地区上市并且有三种颜色可选。(元器件交易网    小白译)


HTC has unveiled a new member of its HTC One family, the HTC One mini 2, which sports a 4.5-inch HD display, 13-megapixel rear camera and 5-megapixel front camera.

The HTC One mini 2 is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor compared to the Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 used in the vendor's latest flagship model, the new HTC One (M8).

However, the HTC One mini 2 will keep some of the key functions of the flagship model such as the HTC Sense 6 interface, HTC BlinkFeed home page and BoomSound stereo.

The HTC One mini 2 will be available in EMEA and Asia in three colors starting June, said the company.


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