日经报道称,索尼已经将OLED开发“搁置”,转而开发其他项目。索尼没有看到更快、更清晰的显示器是未来的趋势,而是对4K LCD显示屏更感兴趣——该类产品销量势如破竹。
索尼尚未发表官方声明,但放弃OLED电视也并非出人意料。该公司已经抛弃了包括PC在内难以盈利的业务。(元器件交易网毛毛 译)
There were hints that Sony's OLED TV planswere in trouble when the company's collaboration with Panasonic went south lastyear, and it now looks like those efforts have stalled out completely. Nikkeireports that Sony has put development of OLED sets "on ice," shiftingthose involved to other projects. The electronics firm just doesn't see thefaster, higher-contrast displays catching on in the near future, according tothe Japanese newspaper -- it's far more interested in pushing its 4K LCDs,which are selling like gangbusters compared to equivalent screens from rivalslike Samsung.
The company hasn't put out an officialstatement so far, and we've reached out to learn what's happening. However, itwouldn't be surprising if Sony gave OLED TVs the chop. The firm has beenshedding businesses that aren't profitable, including its PC line. When there'sa chance that Sony's TV group could be profitable for the first time in morethan a decade, it might make sense to cut any projects that are likely to bleedcash -- no matter how eye-catching they may be.