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HTC M8上市一周陷困境 仅占HTC销量0.1%
[发布时间]:2014年4月8日 [来源]:元器件交易网 [点击率]:2054
【导读】: 4月4日消息,据外媒报道,HTC新款M8上市一周销量不容乐观,仅占HTC销量的0.1%。上周HTC推出HTC One M8并将其称为“世界上前所未有,最好的安卓手机”。不幸的是研究表明HTC最新手...


上周HTC推出HTC One M8并将其称为“世界上前所未有,最好的安卓手机”。不幸的是研究表明HTC最新手机首周销量并不乐观,销售情况似乎比前代产品更差。

据来自Chitika的调查报告显示,HTC One M8仅占HTC销量的0.1%,第一代HTC One尚占有1%。

相对于其他安卓机厂商,HTC排名第三占有8.4%的市场份额,三星则占有61.7%的市场份额。(元器件交易网毛毛  译)


Last week, HTC launched the HTC One (M8),its successor to the first-generation HTC One, and we called it “the bestAndroid phone the world has ever seen.” Similarly, we called the HTC One theprevious year’s best all-around phone. Despite the great design on HTC’sflagship phones, they never do as well on the market as flagship offerings fromthe company’s top rivals, Apple and Samsung. Unfortunately for HTC, yet anotherstudy suggests HTC’s latest phone is off to a comparatively slow start. Infact, after a week of sales, the HTC One (M8) appears to be selling even morepoorly than its predecessor.

According to the latest Chitika Insightsreport picked up by Business Insider, the HTC One (M8) only represents 0.1% ofHTC phones seen by the company’s network after its first week of sales. Incomparison, the first-generation HTC One represented 1% of all HTC phones afterits first week.

Compared to other Android manufacturers,HTC is in third place, but with only 8.4% market share, which is a far cry fromthe 61.7% share of the market that Samsung has.

Of note, Verizon Wireless is currently theonly U.S. carrier selling the new One (M8) in its stores — other carriers areonly offering the new smartphone online for the time being.





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