开幕詞中苹果的代理律師称三星抄袭“滑动解锁”等苹果要素,并應用於Galaxy Tab系列平板及Galaxy系列智能機。
而三星的律師认為,虽然苹果“是壹個伟大的公司”,当并不意味着“他们拥有壹切”。苹果的法律团队已经“大大高估了其专利权利的要求范围”。而二十亿美元的损失,“夸张到简直侮辱智商”。(元器件交易網毛毛 译)
Apple and Samsung have begun their openingstatements at the latest patent infringement case in San Jose, with Samsungalready insisting that, while it respects its rival, it can't allow it to takeresponsibility for every innovation in mobile. The case, a return to thecourtroom for the two behemoths after attempts at mediating a settlement failedearlier this year, sees Apple demanding $2bn from Samsung, or the equivalent ofaround $40 per handset.
Samsung, for its part, is countersuing withits own bundle of patents, though is only looking for a fraction of thatamount.
A jury of ten was selected after muchquestioning and deliberation on Monday, with those holding too much Apple stockor too great a favoritism for either company dismissed. Today, meanwhile, twoof those ten were excused, leaving eight to decide on the outcome.
In his opening statement, Apple's attorneyHarold McElhinny showed video of the original iPhone launch by Steve Jobs sevenyears ago, and then accused Samsung of systematically copying the key elements- such as slide-to-unlock - rather than doing its own innovation. Samsung tooka "cut and paste" approach to creating devices like the Galaxy Tabrange of Android tablets and the Galaxy series of smartphones.
Following, Samsung attorney John Quinnargued that while Apple "is a great company" that nonetheless"they don't own everything." McElhinny and the Apple legal team had"vastly overstated the scope of their patent claims," he suggested.
Two billion dollars in damages, meanwhile,was "a gross exaggeration and an insult to your intelligence" Quinntold the jury.