3月25日消息,据外媒报道,微軟Surface Pro(128G)版平板電脑已在澳大利亚发布,售价為1019澳元。然而消费者仅需在網上商城多付出2澳元就可以599澳元拍下此平板,获得將近400澳元的折扣。
HP的平板電脑存储空间以及屏幕更大,但使用的是并列RAM。而微軟Surface使用双核酷睿i5-3317U,主频达到2.6GHz,比HP的AMD稍微要快些。(元器件交易網 白玉涛译)
Walk into JB HiFi, Australia's most prominent purveyor of consumer electronics, and slap down $AUD597. You'll walk out with this HP 15-d004au and its 15.6-in screen, quad-core AMD A6-5200 running at 2 GHz and packing a Radeon HD 8400 graphics card, 2GB of RAM and a 500GB disk.
Take just two dollars more to Microsoft Australia's online store and you'll get a 128GB Surface Pro for $599, a $400 discount.
This has the look of a run-out sale: the Surface Pro 2 is already on sale down under from $1019 and the Surface 2 starts at $529. It's hard to imagine that the Surface Pro's first edition is shifting big units when priced at only $20 less than its successor. Slashing its price is probably the best way to save them from landfill.
How does the $599 Surface stack up against that mid-range laptop? The HP has a bigger screen and storage capacity, but the pair are tied for RAM. The Core i5-3317U reportedly resident within Surface Pros boasts just two cores, but they hum along at up to 2.6 GHz, making them a little faster than the HP's AMD. And of course the lappie includes a keyboard, which is a $139.99 extra for the Surface Pro.
And the price of a WiFi-only 128GB iPad Air in Australia? $899, rather more expensive than the cut-price Surface Pro but also the very latest machine.