用途:廣州市東方電線電纜廠,專為用設備吊機設計開發的,即實用又耐用。聚氯乙烯絕緣和護套控制電纜用於交流電壓為450750V及以下控制、監控回路及保護線路等場合,該電線應用於控制一種吊機用控制電纜。用於港口集裝箱專用吊機設備領域。 Name: China mechanicalelectrical lines hanging Model: RVV Specifications :0.5-6 mm ² (8-38 core) Use:China Eastern WireCable the equipment used for the designdevelopment of the crane that is practicaldurable. PVC insulated cables used to controljacket for the 450750 V AC voltageunder control monitorprotect the loop lineother occasions the wires used to control a crane control cables. Port for container crane equipment. Welcome to Web site: http:www.cabledf.cebiz.cn